The Living Waters Podcast
The Living Waters Podcast

Enjoy the ride with this hilarious new Podcast as hosts (Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro) and special guests explore the pressing questions of our day with sound theology and apologetics! We would love to hear from you. How has the podcast encouraged you? Are there any subjects you’d like the guys to cover or questions you’d like them to answer? Email us at and you may hear your feedback and questions quoted on the next episode!

Ep. 280 – What Does the Bible Say About Dreams?
byLiving Waters

Dreams have a profound impact on many people, and the Bible offers numerous examples of dreams being used for guidance and prophecy. In the Old Testament, dreams were often a medium through which God conveyed wisdom and direction. Today, we still experience various types of dreams, but their nature and significance can differ greatly from biblical times.

One common type of dream involves subconscious processing. Our brains process repressed thoughts and experiences, with imagination taking over as the rational part of our brain rests. These dreams are influenced by cultural factors and personal experiences; however, in His sovereignty, God can use these dreams for His purposes as illustrated by stories of people being reminded of His laws through dreams. There is a danger in seeking guidance solely through dreams. Relying on dreams for advice outside of God’s Word can lead us astray. The Bible provides all the guidance we need, and looking for extra-biblical sources of authority, including dreams, can be risky. It's crucial to keep these dreams in context and not give them undue authority.

Some dreams can have positive effects, setting individuals on a better path. For example, one might experience a troubling dream that leads to positive changes in their life. Medications affecting the central nervous system can also create vivid dreams.

When dealing with impure dreams, it’s important not to dwell on them excessively. If a dream makes you feel guilty, confess it to God and move on. The enemy seeks to use guilt to keep us focused on our sin, but we should be quick to repent and continue our walk with God. God understands our hearts and desires and provides consolation in our fallen nature and spiritual struggles. Reflecting on what we focus on during the day is wise; consuming impure content can lead to impure dreams. To influence our dreams positively, we can prepare our minds and hearts before sleep by focusing on the Lord. Reading about missionaries, praying, or studying the Bible can fill our hearts, minds, and souls with godly content. 

God uses dreams to advance His kingdom and glory. Recognize that His work through dreams always aims at furthering His kingdom. By focusing on God and His Word, we can better understand and respond to our dreams in a way that aligns with His purposes.

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Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
Ray Comfort
Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
Mark Spence
Oscar Navarro

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