The Boundless Show
The Boundless Show

Life is challenging for Christian singles. How do you balance work and personal life? How do you own your faith? How can you date with a purpose? And prepare for marriage? All while honoring God through it all? Hit up The Boundless Show, a Christian podcast for young adults, for some good, honest conversation. The young adult years are full of possibility and choices that shape who you become. Join host Lisa Anderson to discuss the highs and lows, lean on each other, and trust God in this important season of adulthood.

The Curse of Christianese: Episode 867
byFocus on the Family

Weird things Christians should stop saying, plus trusting God in a waiting season, and how to own your behavior in a world that shrugs responsibility.      

Featured musical artist: About a Mile

Roundtable: Enough With the Spiritual Platitudes

God helps those who help themselves. I’m praying a hedge of protection. God will never give you more than you can handle. Some of our Christian clichés, while well-intentioned, can actually do more harm than good. Our guests share their least-favorite Christian cliches — plus ones they’re guilty of. They’ll also suggest better ways to encourage, exhort, and instruct others with our words. 

Article: 5 Christian Clichés that Need to Die

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Culture: Waiting (Well) on God

So much of life is spent waiting. Not just waiting in line or for your next Netflix series, but waiting to find a spouse, to have kids, to achieve your career goals and more. When your patience and even your faith is tested, how do you wait well? Pastor Mark Vroegop reminds us that waiting is a normal part of life and something that God uses to refine us. It’s not easy, though, so this conversation will give you things to cling to as you sort and struggle through your next wait. 

Waiting Isn’t a Waste: The Surprising Comfort of Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life

Visit Mark’s Website

Inbox: Owning My Decisions and Behavior 

As a Christian, how do you stay accountable for your thoughts and actions in a world that would rather make excuses? Counselor Kari A weighs in. 

Link to Counseling Services 

Find us on YouTube

The Curse of Christianese: Episode 867
Let’s Review Our 20s: Episode 865
The Habits of Jesus: Episode 864
Shouldering Sorrow: Episode 863
Feeling Misunderstood: Episode 862
Why Date?: Episode 861
True Confessions: Episode 860
Getting to Know You: Episode 859
Be Yourself on Dates: Episode 858
Test Your Knowledge of the United States: Episode 857

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