The Boundless Show
The Boundless Show

Life is challenging for Christian singles. How do you balance work and personal life? How do you own your faith? How can you date with a purpose? And prepare for marriage? All while honoring God through it all? Hit up The Boundless Show, a Christian podcast for young adults, for some good, honest conversation. The young adult years are full of possibility and choices that shape who you become. Join host Lisa Anderson to discuss the highs and lows, lean on each other, and trust God in this important season of adulthood.

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Rethinking Alcohol: Episode 884
byFocus on the Family

The difference between rest and procrastination, plus a challenge to go 40 days alcohol-free, and do girlfriends need to submit to their boyfriends?  

Featured musical artist: Danen Kane

Roundtable: Are You Resting or Procrastinating?

When you’re working hard to reach new goals, it’s important to pace yourself and not burn yourself out. But can you tell the difference between true rest and straight-up procrastination? Our guests share their best insights on when it’s time to take a break versus when it’s time to get off the couch and get busy.       

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Culture: The Case for Sobriety

Christy Osborne had long been a casual drinker, but when her mother died, she became alcohol-dependent. Her downtime, social time and vacation time revolved around booze. Although Scripture isn’t absolute on the issue of drinking in moderation, Christy knew that alcohol had become central to her life. She explored what sobriety might look like: how it would affect her health, relationships and mindset. Now a sobriety coach, Christy joins us to share her journey and suggestions for making an objective assessment of our relationship with alcohol.          

Love Life Sober: A 40-Day Alcohol Fast to Rediscover Your Joy, Improve Your Health, and Renew Your Mind

Inbox: Should a Woman Submit to Her Boyfriend?

Scripture tells wives to submit to their husbands. In dating, does that same principle apply between women and their boyfriends? Counselor Brenda Huerta weighs in.

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Link to Counseling Services 


Rethinking Alcohol: Episode 884
New Year Transitions: Episode 883
The Nightmare After Christmas: Episode 882
Keep Dating Fun: Episode 881
‘Tis the Season…for Siblings: Episode 880
Cancelled By Their Kids: Episode 879
Hospitality for All: Episode 878
Practical Compassion for the Poor: Episode 877
Your Legal Rights at Work: Episode 876
Women Dating in Their 30s: Episode 875

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